We want to remind everyone to be cautious of love scams that can leave victims both financially and emotionally devastated. Here are a few signs to help you spot scammers quickly:
- A user will contact you out of the blue with a flirty comment and asking to be your friend. This can happen as a post reply or private message
- The profile image of the user will invariably be that of a good looking male or female
- Quickly, the user will change the tone of the conversation to that of love
- This user normally doesn’t have access to video to be in contact with you
- Once the love component is established, demands for money begin. These come with different scenarios; sick child or parent, funds blocked for various reasons, help to buy a ticket to be able to visit you, etc
The rule remains the same, no matter the excuse. If a person you haven’t met in real life or face to face asks for money, it’s a scam.
If you encounter such behavior, please report it immediately to us. We will take swift action and block the user from the platform.
Stay safe and protect yourself and others from scams.