How to enter an item;
1) Item must be located in Canada
2) Name your item
3) Add a description
4) Indicate the price and currency, select CDN$
5) Select the most appropriate category and type. If you think we need another category, please let us know
6) Location - MUST indicate Province first, then closest town or city - e.g. Alberta, Calgary
7) Add photos of your item
Rules and Guidelines
1) Please do not add "Junk" or "Low Value" items. Let's make this the best on-line MARKET for selling items.
2) Interest and payment of your item - please message the seller and arrange for payment and pickup of the item. We are not responsible for any issues or nom-payment of an item on the site.
Moderators will monitor this section and will message a User about Rules and Guidelines not followed. If action is not addressed as requested, your MARKET item will be deleted.
Kristiina Vataja 2 d
I’m very interested in Market. Is it a separate section?