MARKET - YOUR Place To Sell

commentaires · 91 Vues

MARKET is a section of the KCUNAC platform where Users can post their items for sale, rent, trade, or just free. Please see the "How To" and "Rules and Guidelines" below.

How to enter an item;

1)  Item must be located in Canada

2)  Name your item

3)  Add a description

4)   Indicate the price and currency, select CDN$

5)  Select the most appropriate category and type. If you think we need another category, please let us know

6)  Location - MUST indicate Province first, then closest town or city - e.g. Alberta, Calgary

7)  Add photos of your item

Rules and Guidelines

1) Please do not add "Junk" or "Low Value" items. Let's make this the best on-line MARKET for selling items.

2) Interest and payment of your item - please message the seller and arrange for payment and pickup of the item. We are not responsible for any issues or nom-payment of an item on the site.

Moderators will monitor this section and will message a User about Rules and Guidelines not followed. If action is not addressed as requested, your MARKET item will be deleted.

Kristiina Vataja 2 ré

I’m very interested in Market. Is it a separate section?

Freya Anduin 5 ré

it is NOT ok to make ads from pro subscribers immune to 'hide'. I really don't need to know about a second-hand tv in Pasadena howevermuch the seller is 'pro'. and ads in groups? please no.

Freya Anduin 1 w

please make it possible to CHOSE if you want to see posts from Market in your feed - or chose where from whether by country or distance. It feels like ads and will probably be totally irrelevant if you don't leve nearby or at least in the same country.